Saturday, September 19, 2020

Natural Disaster Machines

For our inquiry this term, we have been studying machines and how they work. Specifically, developing a machine which could help us get out and survive a natural disaster. The students had to think about the roads being cracked, the powerlines falling down everywhere, not having any power and whether they would create a machine to stay and survive within or a machine to help them leave immediately. We have some AMAZING creative students who loved getting the chance to suggest their ideas and create their ideal machine. They had to work together to debug their plan and ensure their machine will work how they wanted it to with the criteria above. Lots of problem solving and effective communicating going on. We are so proud of the outcome of their machines! Here is just a small sneak peak of some of their machines. Some fast finishers even got to put on a light using our circuit kits we have at school! Great work everyone!

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